手機細覽 【View & Talk】Guangdong stressed integration of industries and technologies
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      【View & Talk】Guangdong stressed integration of industries and technologies
      時間:2024-02-23  作者:  新聞來源:陽光檢務網  【字號: | |

      Guangdong stressed integration of industries and technologies


      Guangdong held its provincial high-quality development conference on February 18, emphasizing the combination of sci-tech innovation and industrial development.


      Huang Kunming, Party Secretary of Guangdong, emphasized the importance of sci-tech innovation, saying that Guangdong should take the path of high-quality development, seize the critical factor of sci-tech innovation, and encourage companies, industries, and society to get involved.


      Huang stressed that it's a strategic move and a long-term plan for Guangdong to advance industrial sci-tech innovation and develop new productivity boosters. He urged the whole province to strive to accelerate the construction of an industrial sci-tech innovation center with a global influence.


      Huang declared that the province will encourage enterprises to use new technologies, equipment, materials, and processes to improve product quality and production efficiency. Industrial transformation and upgrading should improve enterprise production technology, revitalize traditional industries, achieve the booming development of emerging industries, and foster future sectors.


      地址:廣東省廣州市珠江新城華強路6號 郵編:510623
      正義網 京ICP備10217144-1號
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