手機細覽 【View & Talk】Guangdong chief prosecutors conference was held
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      News GDPP
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      【View & Talk】Guangdong chief prosecutors conference was held
      時間:2024-02-02  作者:  新聞來源:陽光檢務網  【字號: | |

      ▌Guangdong chief prosecutors conference was held


      ▌On January 28, the Guangdong chief prosecutors conference was held in Guangzhou. The meeting aimed to review the procuratorial work of 2023 and develop main plans of 2024. Feng Jian, chief prosecutor of the People’s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province, attended the conference and delivered a speech.


      ▌In 2023, procuratorial organs in Guangdong focused on “coming to the forefront of China’s procuratorial organs” and promoted the modernization of Guangdong procuratorial work. Last year, we handled 385,135 cases of various types, growing by 25.34% year-on-year, which accounts for 9% of the cases handled by procuratorial organs nationwide.


      ▌In 2024, procuratorial organs in Guangdong will focus on legal supervision, perform procuratorial duties, and adhere to serving the overall situation, administering justice for the people, and demonstrating a commitment to the rule of law, which provides strong legal safeguards for Guangdong to take the lead in advancing Chinese modernization.


      地址:廣東省廣州市珠江新城華強路6號 郵編:510623
      正義網 京ICP備10217144-1號
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