手機細覽 【Bilingual】廣東“兩院”建立常態化交流會商機制
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    1. 今天是:
      News GDPP
      當前位置:首頁>News GDPP
      時間:2024-01-15  作者:  新聞來源:陽光檢務網  【字號: | |

      ▌A routine exchange and consultation mechanism established


      ▌Recently, the People’s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province and the High People’s Court of Guangdong Province held a meeting to jointly sign opinions on the establishment of a work exchange and consultation mechanism. During the meeting, it was stressed that the people’s courts and the people’s procuratorates should deepen positive interaction, jointly enhance judicial justice, and provide a strong legal guarantee for Guangdong’s modernization. Moreover, the two judicial authorities should implement the requirements of division of responsibilities, mutual cooperation and mutual restraint, and constantly improve the ability to deepen reform by using legal frameworks and legal methods. Efforts should also be made to accelerate the establishment of the routine exchange and consultation mechanism for the people’s courts and the people’s procuratorates at three levels across the province.


      地址:廣東省廣州市珠江新城華強路6號 郵編:510623
      正義網 京ICP備10217144-1號
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