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    1. 今天是:
      News GDPP
      當前位置:首頁>News GDPP
      時間:2023-09-22  作者:  新聞來源:陽光檢務網  【字號: | |

      ▌Supreme People’s Procuratorate focuses on public interest litigation cases


      ▌Environmental and resource protection has emerged as the most prominent subject of public interest litigation prosecution, marked by the extensive number of cases related to the matter and significant societal implications.


      ▌The Supreme People’s Procuratorate initiated a three-year special operation in July 2020 focusing on public interest litigation in an effort to safeguard vital interests. In this time span, prosecutors across the nation handled approximately 365,000 public interest litigation cases pertaining to environmental and resource protection, as well as food and drug safety. Additionally, we issued over 247,000 pretrial procuratorial suggestions and instigated around 25,000 lawsuits. Notably, a substantial portion of these cases, approximately 198,000, were centered on drug safety and the illegal discharge of pollutants into water bodies.



      地址:廣東省廣州市珠江新城華強路6號 郵編:510623
      正義網 京ICP備10217144-1號
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